Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2025-01-12
Dean Henry gave this evidence in a private session to the Australian 2014 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Dean named Justice Woods as an abuser. This is of special significance because Justice Woods had been in charge of a Royal Commission into the Police in the 1990s, which covered some investigations of pedophilia.
Original author stated that this is how the pedophilic cabal system works – get pedophiles into power so that they can be controlled.
The following is a transcript that Dean Henry provided in a private session to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse. As a result of speaking up at the WR, Dean was beaten so badly he was in hospital.
They risked their lives to speak out against this ring that was also named 4 satanic ritual abuse. He named Rolf Harris, QC Judges James Wood and Justice Collins. In police reports and his interview with Fiona Barnett, he names also names Hawke and Kidman
Assessment and Inquiry Session of Mr Dean Thomas Chisholme Henry
Re: Silverwater Metropolitan Remand dnd Reception Centre (MRRC)
At Silverwater Jail
Present : Ms Vicki Csoma (Commission Officer)
Mr Darren Latimore (Commission Officer)
Also Present: Mr Jack Dalby (Canberra Rape Crisis Centre)
Ms Jennifer Parslow (Sil verwater Support and Programs Officer)
18/06/2014 1 DEAN HENRY
Transcript produced by Merrill Corporation
MS CSOMA: No, it looks like it is working now. So this is a recorded interview between Vicki Csoma. that's spelt C-S-O-M-A, Dean Thomas Henry. Dean, can you spell your surname for us?
MS CSOMA: Okay. I've also got with me Officer Darren Latimore.
MR LATIMORE: Darren Latimore. officer with the Royal Commission.
MS CSOMA: And Jack Dalby from the Rape Crisis Centre in Canberra.
MR DALBY: Yes, Jack Dalby, we are one of the Royal Commission community-based support services.
MS CSOMA: And Jennifer Parslow.
MS PARSLOW: Yes. I'm a welfare officer with Corrective Services and I'm acting as Dean's support person today.
MS CSOMA: Excellent, thank you. Dean, we'll just go through a few basic things, firstly. Could you just tell me your full name?
MR HENRY: Dean Thomas Chisholme Henry.
MS CSOMA: Your date of birth?
MR HENRY: 12 August 1971.
MS CSOMA: 12 August 1971?
MR HENRY: 1971, yep.
MS CSOMA: Where will we start? We'll start anywhere you would like to, really. But you were made award of the state at some stage, yes?
MR HENRY: That's correct.
MS CSOMA: Can you tell me a little bit about how that came to be?
MR HENRY: What it was, when I was young, about five and six years of age, my mother and my uncle both molested me, take me to Tribe - called Twelve Tribes, and I was molested by quite a few people in the history of my growing up.
MS CSOMA: And then you became a ward of the state, and what happened to you?
MR HENRY: They sent me to a place called Randwick Boys Home at Mittagong, and while I was there I was molested by a person called Shand and also Green [phonetic], Mr Green.
MS CSOMA: Mr Green was it?
MS CSOMA: I think you mentioned a Terry Shand [phonetic] as well.
MR HENRY: He did as well.
MS CSOMA: So what sort of abuse did they --
MR HENRY: Sexual and also physical.
MS CSOMA: Were they just, I hate to ask this, were they just sort of grooming and touching you or were they going --
MR HENRY: No, penetration.
MS CSOMA: Full penetration. Okay. How long were you at that institution for?
MR HENRY: Four years.
MS CSOMA: Four years? Okay. And how regularly would this happen?
MR HENRY: It happened to me three times in the whole time I was there. And I ran away from there in, I think it was '97 - '87, sorry, '87 I ran away from there and me and four others ran away to Corey and Paul's mother's house at Campbelltown. We never told anybody, but once they caught us they took us straight back there and it happened again. So I just rebelled real bad and just started mucking up until they kicked me out of there.
MS CSOMA: So when you got kicked out of there, what happened then?
MR HENRY: I went to a place called Werrington Park at Mittagong, I mean, at Werrington.
MS CSOMA: Werrington Park was it?
MR HENRY: Yeah, Werrington Park.
MS CSOMA: Yes. Okay. How old would you have been when you went there?
MS CSOMA: Was there anything happening there?
MR HENRY: I burned down the shed there because the lead - the main boss there used to abuse me and quite a few others in the barn shed there. Because I rebelled that bad, I said - the shed where he used to do it, I said "I'll burn it down". There should be police records of that and also fire brigade records that it's been burned down. Because I just couldn't cope anymore and then I ended up going around to my mother and I went to jail after that, as I say.
MS CSOMA: So while you were down there, what sort of abuse were you facing down there?
MR HENRY: I was getting whipped, I was getting tortured. Not only torture, I was sexually abused by him on a number of occasions. It wasn't just happened to me, it happened to other people there too. It was just like I had enough, I couldn't take it anymore.
MS CSOMA: Do you remember the names of any of the people?
MR HENRY: I think one of the boy's names was Terry.
MS CSOMA: Terry?
MR HENRY: I don't remember the staff's name by any chance but I know he was the boss of the place because he tried to catch me and get me locked up for burning the shed down and I said, "No way", I said - I just ran, I just ran away, got out of there as quick as I could. Harris, and I think it was 1978, when I was around about.
MS CSOMA: Alright, after that you would have turned 18?
MR HENRY: Yeah, 18.
MS CSOMA: And gone into the adult system?
MR HENRY: Adult system, yeah.
MS CSOMA: Is there anything that you want to tell me about any of your time in the juvi system at all?
MR HENRY: When I was in the juvi system, I was - before went to the juvi system, there was a person called Rolf say, six or seven, at a CYC camp down near Castlereagh. He touched me on all sorts of places. He tried to hurt me but I was lucky there was a worker there that stopped him doing it. She never said nothing, but I think he was there to hurt me. not just me, but other people too. Like, he played with me, he made me play with him and all that sort of stuff. That was started for me when I was --
MS CSOMA: You mean sexually playing with each other?
MR HENRY: And it started with me when I was five. It all started with me when I was five. When I turned the age of five, my Uncle Alan and my mum tried to rape me, at the age of five, penetrated me, tried to cut me dick off, it was just crazy.
MS CSOMA: This was at home?
MR HENRY: This was at home, yeah. My mum used to just sell me to people. Like, virtually, I was like - like you got Ron Woodham, Justice Woods [phonetic] and Justice Collins [phonetic] and Louis Bayer [phonetic] and what's his name, Sam Abraham [phonetic], he used to run the Cross.
MR HENRY: A person named Jeff Azzopardi [phonetic] or DEAN HENRY Paul - I can't remember his first name but everybody's name was Azzopardi used to take me Corey [phonetic] and two girls at the Cross, where we all used to go down and not only was It sexual, but I was tortured and all that sort of stuff I saw two girls come with us four times, four times they come with us, and then they disappeared! I never saw them again But Corey and me, Corey, four years we copped this for
MS CSOMA; So your mum would sell you out is that what you are saying?
MR HENRY: Sell me out. yes
MS CSDMA: How much money would she get from that?
HR HENRY: I would not have a clue.
MR HENRY: Now she's dead, it hurts, because I just want to get this out, I'm trying to get this out and trying to cope with It because see I don't understand why this all happened, but I don't know why, but it's got to stop. I have had me arms broken, me legs broken by Ron Woodham when I come into custody In 2007, he got me a long way, He's a cunning man. He's like, once he knows who you are, and he was worried that I was going to talk, he put pressure on Staff to hurt me, if you know what I mean like, I guarantee break me arms break me logs and leave me in segregation, two or three days before I get help and it was only for the nurse at Long Bay that helped me. because otherwise I would have died there I was Just gone. So I have self-harmed. Since this abuse started in I'd probably say ' 76, I have self harmed. I've tried to kill myself a few times It's hard for me to talk about It, because it hurts.
MS CSOMA: Is that because of all these memories?
HR HENRY Yes. all the memories. I just shake. It hurts when I talk about It. it'S just 11ku - I don't understand why it happened, I still don't understand, but —
MS CSOMA You okay to go on?
MR HENRY: Yeah. It's just that I don't know why this all went down. Just I just want it all sorted because I can't take this no more. The pain, just physical pain, physical but mental pain. not only physical but mental pain.
MS CSOMA: Mental pain as well, yes. Of course, there would be. Take a breath and have a bit of the sip of tea if you like.
MR HENRY: Nothing left. Just I met Jack in, I think, it was the first time I was in Canberra, and the following week I was locked up, (indistinct) Goulburn. I decided I wanted - I went to go and see Jack. Because they wanted to know why I'm going to the Royal Commission, I wouldn't tell them. So I know they put a curfew on me and then I got locked up.
MS CSOMA: So you breached curfew and that's how you ended up back in lockup?
MS CSOMA: Okay. Pretty much, this is all yours, so you can tell us anything you like. I haven't got any questions at this stage.
MR HENRY: You got Peter Finch [phonetic] there, at St Mary's Baptist Church.
MS CSOMA: Peter Finch, was it?
MR HENRY: Peter Finch, yep. He's at St Mary's Baptist Church in '86 at Parramatta. He's a mongrel. He sexually abused me, not just me. he sexually abused other people there at the same time. I can't remember their names but he like, he's no good. He is, like, make you be an altar boy then once you go and get changed he not only physically touch you but he also tried to rape you. I was lucky I was a bit older, I managed to get away from him as much as I could but one time he got me. And it was like --
MS CSOMA: So you were an altar boy there as well?
MR HENRY: An altar boy there. And you got Monsignor Hatswell I think it was '82. He was staying with the Dowelling [phonetic] family at Castlereagh. and he raped me, not just me, he raped Trinity, Dave Ellison's foster daughter. He - I went there to that church for a couple of years at Castlereagh and, yeah, so it's all just scary to me and it hurts, because it's like, I just think why was I abused this bad? And physically, it's really stuffed me up. Like, I'm on medication now because of trying to take my life a few times. Because once I get the mood - once I start thinking about it, it just does my head in. And Jack knows that, it hurts. Because you got some high-profile people here and it's just like no-one would believe you unless they saw it for themselves. And how do you go by - how do you win? How do you win? You don't win, you never win. I didn't realise, when I'd turned 19, I did the same thing myself. I molested two girls - not molested, but they were aged 15, 16. But I didn't understand why I did it, but I sort of do now. Because it was the way I was brought up, and I thought it was the right thing to do and it was the wrong thing to do. I spent 12 years in jail. I tried to take my life quite a few times over it, because it just like, I didn't understand it and I still --
MS CSOMA: You think you might have gone from the victim to the perpetrator?
MR LATIMORE: Dean, I just have a couple of questions to just clarify a few things from your story.
MR HENRY: Yep, no worries.
MR LATIMORE: When you started - the first abuse was by your mother and uncle, was it?
MR LATIMORE: So you were about five or six at the time.
MR HENRY: Five or six at the time.
MR LATIMORE: Where were you living at that stage?
MR HENRY: I was living at Shalvey.
MR LATIMORE: At Shalvey?
MR HENRY: (Indistinct) crescent, Shalvey.
MR LATIMORE: So you were living at home?
MS CSOMA: Did you have any brothers or sisters at home?
MR HENRY: I got my sister, my sister Karen [phonetic], my sister Melinda [phonetic], my brother David. I met David in '92, (indistinct) in jail, he was adopted out. But my sister Karen was also abused by one of me mum's friends or something, she'll verify that, yeah, Mum, I don't know what she knows about me and Mum. but I think she knows a fair bit, but you'll have to talk to her about that, I don't know if she'll say anything or anything --
MR LATIMORE: So you think one of your sisters was abused as well?
MR HENRY: So was Melinda. Both of them were abused in their own time. My sister Melinda has turned gay over it, because it's mentally fucked her - it's just like, yeah.
MR LATIMORE: Was your dad around at all?
MR HENRY: My dad left us when we were 2.
MR LATIMORE: So you don't know him?
MR HENRY: I don't know him, no.
MR LATIMORE: Okay. So you said too that your mum and your uncle sort of basically prostituted you out or sold you out.
MR HENRY: That's correct.
MR LATIMORE: Was that at that age, about five or six?
MR HENRY: Yes, it was, around about that age.
MR LATIMORE: How did work? Did people come to the house or did they take you to --
MR HENRY: Azzorpadi used to come and pick me up and take me to places where - he was a good friend of my mum's and they would take me to places where there was perpetrators there. Because Azzorpadi used to pick four of us up from the Twelve Tribes at Castle, there was me, Corey and I think Darlene [phonetic] and Chantelle [phonetic] was the names of the two girls, and he used to pick us up and go there and that's when we'd get tortured or - if we didn't do what we were told, we copped it. And Louis Bayer and Sam Abraham were in charge of all this sort of stuff. They're big people. Sam Abraham is here in jail now. If he knows I'm here, I'm dead.
MR HENRY: I'm gone. Because he knows what - he can be in big shit for this and this has been going on for years.
MR LATIMORE: You mentioned a couple of other names as well, Woodham --
MR HENRY: Yeah, Justice Woods and Justice Collins.
MR LATIMORE: So they were all abusers?
MR HENRY: They were abusers, yes.
MR LATIMORE: So they used to, what, go out to a house or something and you'd get taken there?
MR HENRY: There was a room out the back of Porky's, like a sort of like little rooms, and that's where it all went down.
MR LATIMORE: In Kings Cross?
MR HENRY: In Kings Cross, yeah.
MR LATIMORE: Did you report any of this to anybody?
MR HENRY: No. I've always kept it quite because every time I get to report it I get scared. Not only do I get scared, I try to take my life because it hurts me, because I get the flashbacks and just - now it's only through my
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