Won't stop Politician or Judge:

Torrent of rage as PM commemorates anniversary of sexual abuse apology

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-07-18

Preface: On 22 October 2020, the former Prime Minister delivered a speech in the House of Representatives on the second anniversary of the National Apology. Whilst the mainstream media tried to gloss over the governments role as usual, the online community painted a very different picture.
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Online community erupted in rage as then PM Scott Morrison commemorates anniversary of sexual abuse apology. To read the original comment please visit here.

"What about the boofhead releases the report on VIP PDF Files. All crimminals protecting the mates. SUMS up politics." said Paul Bryant.

"The filth will only stop a child rape if it's not a politician or judge ..the suppression order is proof we are run by perverts" commented Michael George.

"Lets talk about the Woods royal commission Scomo", added IB Chris.

The Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service, also known as the Wood Royal Commission, had revealed extensive pedophilia activities in the police force. A number of police offices were reported to have "suicide" after being questioned by the commission.

"The Filth will only stop a child rape if it's not a politician or judge"

Eureka Q / Australia

"It is right in front of everyone but no journalist will question or investigate our leaders. They remain silent." by Sara Jones.

"They are all in this together", agreed Trudell Clark.

"The two year anniversary of when us welfare kids were duped into excepting your piss weak Hush money payout so we can't sue you with lawyers, scum ..", commented Rolf Schaeffer.

"He would know following Hillsong paedos as heroes", said Robin Mansfield.

"Except in Victoria as it’s now a punishable offence to name and shame your attacker. Nothing to be proud of here", sighed Rhiannon Bowden.

"While the govt protect high profile paedophiles in their own ranks. Because it would be embarrassing if the public found out." concluded Mark Simpson.

"Yet the treachery at the highest level protecting a child molester Prime Minister n his enablers makes a mockery of this apology!!", Tony Pepperz.

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