Suicide on Wood Royal Commission:

List of Police Officers Committed Suicide Due To The Wood Royal Commission

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-07-15

Preface: This Article was originally published in 2014 on website that holds a large amount of police information and documents. For more information read here. Noted the list is likely to be incomplete, and it is also uncertain if the "suicide" incidents are comparable to the circumstances surrounding Jeffery Epstein.
Home Page - Save Our Kids - Suicide on Wood Royal Commission

15 June 1995 – Unnamed 32 year old Detective from Annandale Police Station who jumped to his death from a 7th floor building. – Peter James McGRATH – 15 June 1995.

12 April 1997 – -Policeman Clinton Moller found hanged at Parklea Gaol on 12 April 1997 -was a sentence for contempt-was told he was being transferred to Gaol but, according to his lawyer Ken Madden, the decision to Ms transfer to Berrima was designed to place pressure on Moller.

10 July 1995 – Businessman Ray Jenkins gassed himself in his car.

23 September 1996 – Detective Wayne Johnson shot himself and his wife.  Johnson earlier named at the Royal Commission – 23 September 1996.

4 December 1996 – Mr Danny Caines found gassed in his car at Forster.

17 October 1997 – John Ross, shot himself at the Sebel Townhouse. Named in Royal Commission as having made corrupt payments to Police.

4 November 1996 – Justice David Yeldham killed himself in his car.

29 March 1996Rob TAIT.  Acting Patrol Commander Bob Tait, Narrabri, shot himself after being accused by the Royal Commission.

18 April, 1996 – Brian Tobin, gassed himself in his car hours after being interviewed by Royal Commission investigators.

8 May 1996 – Peter Foretic, gasses himself in his car the day before being due to give evidence at the Royal Commission.

17 September 2002Richard John HAZEL, plunged a knife into his heart surrounded by clippings of his appearance at the Wood Royal Commission in 1996.

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