Don't ask government for Free Speech:

Pedo in power successfully orchestrated a "diverse society" that is enemy of its people

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-07-20

Preface: Unlike most democracies, Australia doesn't have a constitution provision that says there shall be freedom of speech, or everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
Home Page - No Woke - Don't ask government for Free Speech

Pauline Hanson wanted a Senate enquiry into enshrining free speech in Australian Constitution. So she moved the enquiry in the Senate, yet Labor and Greens voted it down, plus some of the cross benchers.

In a nutshell, Labor and Greens don't want the Australian people to have this freedom. But why?

In Australia, Labor and Greens are considered "progressive" and harbored activists for "sexually diverse" communities. Free speech in Constitution means Australian people will have the freedom to criticize these group of people, and indeed, more than half of Australians holds a negative opinions against this group: If you are in power, you don't want criticism right?

By the name, Labor party should have been the party for the workers, or in Australian's context, for the tradies. I work in an industry that dealing with tradies a lot. Guess what, their opinions against the LGBTQ+ group are just jaw-dropping. You just cannot let them speak, and Labor knew that.

What about the Greens? Some people say they believe actions are stronger than words, since many of the "green protesters" had put all some spectacular shows around cities. Rather than freedom of speech, they would want, instead, freedom of blocking roads, freedom of stopping trains, freedom to glue themselves onto anything etc etc. That might be the case, except don't forget, now they have engaged a quite powerful religious group of people, who supports Palestine very much. And talking about this group of people, they are no fan of free speech at all, if you remembered what happened to Charlie Hebdo.

We still don't know who those "cross benchers" are, but just remember, the LNPs are not much better. They are affiliated to an even more powerful group of people, so powerful that absolutely nobody can criticize them. I fear for my life that I dare not put the group name here, though it would be just three letters. And in case you still don't know who am I talking about, just remember, Jeffrey Epstein was one of them.

Always remember, a reasonable person would criticize you, not because who you are, but what you have done. And whenever a group is not friendly to free speech, there is only one reason behind it: they have done terrible terrible things, and criticism could really kill them.

If you go back in history, none of those Australian political parties had been established with these "untouchables", and indeed in the past, a few decays back, People have a bit of more freedom discussing politics, until lately more and more people start to realise the cover ups in child raping cases by the police, by the public institutions, by the legal systems: by the government as a whole. Then immediately, the people in power had successfully orchestrated a "diverse society" that no longer tolerate different opinions.

No doubt the child rapers are the biggest winners. We will always remember, when Justic Kirby was accused of using commonwealth car to procure boys for sex, his first defence is that "those accusations are homophobic attacks"; and John Marsden, the lawyer who were widely believed to be a regular patron of a boys brothel, claimed the same.

This is indeed a genious plan. If you have been an activists in revealing elite pedo rings for many years, you would have noticed this, and you would now understand why many of the grassroots movements on this matter were frequently labelled with some sacry "political incorrect" terms. "Homophobes", "Anti-S", "White Supremacy"... This is sad, and people who are using these terms, I guarantee you they are the biggest enemies for free speech.

Now you see where the problem is, the people against free speech are completely wicked scoundrel who unites other thoroughly despicable bastards to block legit criticisms, so they can continue on their most heinous crimes. And if government is against free speech, you know that it has been compromised to a level with no return. So stop asking the government for free speech, they will laugh at your childishness.

Now, it is time to ask the People.

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