The Wollongong Mayor Tapes:

Former Wollongong Mayor made recordings similar to "Epstein Tapes"

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-09-04

Preface: Below is almost the full script of tapes that was given to "Illawarra Mercury", the script was originally published in March 1995 with title "Tony Bevan tapes bomb shell: Former Mayor run child sex ring". The scan copy of the newspaper can be found here.
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The Bevan Tapes prove organised pedophilia exists in Australia. It proves the people behind this system, this "club", are men of influence.

Tony Bevan was a major player in this system. A former Wollongong Mayor, Bevan was a successful wheeler and dealer. He counted senior figures on both sides of politics as friends. He cut business deals for millions of dollars. He dealt with the international financial world. He was also a paedophile and pimp.

Bevan ran a paedophile "school" in the Illawarra, he was close to the major players in Sydney, he had national and international contacts.

Bevan habitually recorded telephone conversations he believed could be valuable in the future. He recorded hundreds of conversations with political figures and businessmen. He also recorded conversations with fellow paedophiles.

These conversations were recorded at his home in Edward St, Wollongong, and his office in the CML Building in Keira st.

The following edited transcripts of the Bevan Tapes are disturbing. They paint a picture of a murky world where children are a commodity - to be collected, used and traded.

A substantial number of Australian paedophiles and a number of corrupt officials are identified on the tapes. The Mercury has suppressed all but one of these names. The suppressed information was handed to authorities. But no investigations were made.

The Mercury also has edited the Bevan Tape transcripts to remove unnecessary sexual references.

They have not, however, sanitised the material. Some ugly truths need to be faced.

Bevan died of cancer in 1991. There is nothing to suggest that his school, or others like it, died with him.

BEVAN'S position as head of an Illawarra paedophile "school" is shown in this conversation with a fellow Wollongong paedophile. Bevan and his paedophile associates used a simple code when discussing their activities. Friendly paedophiles were usually referred to as "she", senior paedophiles were often referred to as "mother". Children and unfriendly paedophiles were referred to as "it". Children's ages were one-three (13 years old) or one-four (14 years old).

The edited conversation below between Bevan and a leading Illawarra businessman shows Bevan ran one Illawarra paedophile "school" where boys were recruited. The Mercurv has decided not to name the second man on the tape because although he is dead, he still has family living in the region.

BUSINESSMAN: So what's all the news on the other front?

BEVAN: Oh, not much. Not much to report.

BUSINESSMAN: What are you doing? What have you got lined up?

BEVAN: Very little lined up at the moment.

BUSINESSMAN: When's the chance of some action with your man in Sydney? any all or is he still ...

BEVAN: There's a guy I met from Perth the other day who said he saw you once, a tall fellow. His name's ... Richard I think it was ... Peter, yeah Peter. A tall fair-headed kid ... said he knew you. He hadn't seen you for 12 months.

BUSINESSMAN: What was it like?

BEVAN: Oh, very nice ... You've got a fellow down there. what's-his-name #####?

BUSINESSMAN: Uh ######. He's the ######## in the ######## shop.

BEVAN: Oh is he?


BEVAN: Where does he live?

BUSINESSMAN: ####### I think.Why?

BEVAN: He's got a one-three or a one-four that's quite nice.

BUSINESSMAN: One-four what?

BEVAN: Years of age.


BEVAN: Mmmmm.


BEVAN: Don't know, he's about 14.

BUSINESSMAN: Because he had one in here over the Christmas holidays but he was pretty surly like. From what I saw of him. But he might be all right anyway, especially if he goes to your school.

BEVAN: He goes to someone else's school. Not mine.


BEVAN: He goes to someone else's school.

BUSINESSMAN: You reckon?

BEVAN: He does.

BUSINESSMAN: Who's that?

BEVAN: Oh, someone I know up north. And uh, he's been there two or three times so ...

BUSINESSMAN: Have you had something to do with it, too?

BEVAN: No I haven't yet, no.

BUSINESSMAN: And what's the school up there? Is it someone you know?

BEVAN: Yeah, oh yeah.

BUSINESSMAN: Who runs that?

BEVAN: Oh. ###########.

BUSINESSMAN: (Laughs) That's a precarious one, isn't it? (laughs)

BEVAN: Yeah (laughs) yeah.

The following conversation between Bevan and an unnamed Filipino man shows Bevan was involved with an organisation which brought Filipino boys to Australia to work as prostitutes.

BEVAN: These other boys you've got, are they good boys? You've got six or seven you said.

FILIPINO: Yeah, seven.

BEVAN: You bring them here, seven?

FILIPINO: Seven here. When you like? Tomorrow?

BEVAN: How old are they?

FILIPINO: Fifteen, sixteen.

BEVAN: That's good. And they are very good looking boys?

FILIPINO: Yeah, very good looking. But not uh . . . they slim not so . . .

BEVAN: Heavy.

FILIPINO: Not so heavy.

BEVAN: Regular Filipino beauties.


BEVAN: Ok. Well that's good. And when will we have a look, tomorrow?

FILIPINO: Maybe 10, 9 o'clock ...

BEVAN: Too early mate.

FILIPINO: Okay 11?

BEVAN: Eleven, yeah good. Eleven o'clock, that would be good. And we can have a good talk in here and work it out. You work this afternoon?


BEVAN: Start at two o'clock? At the airport.


BEVAN: Well I have to be at the airport at what, three o'clock. the PAL flight (Philippines Airlines) comes in at three doesn't it?

FILIPINO: What's the name?

BEVAN: ######. I have to have a good boy for him, special. Okay?


BEVAN: Fifteen, sixteen for ######. And if he wants to he can stay here.

ONE of the most disturbing allegation, arising from the Bevan Tapes is that paedophiles used a Sydney youth refuge as a staging house, where boys were kept until they could be sent to work in Kings Cross as prostitutes.

The following conversation is between Bevan and a man identified by sources close to Bevan as Bill. O'Donnell, a forrner television technician serving a five-year prison sentence for a 1990 sexual assault.

O'Donnell was found guilty of holding a 15 year-old boy at knifepoint and forcing him to have oral sex. The assault took place at an Albion Park property leased by Bevan.

In the edited conversation below Bevan and O'Donnell discuss problems at Kings Cross involving boy prostitutes who are running out of control.

O'DONNELL: They are hoping for a bit of a clean-out in a way. A few of them have been left behind that should have been taken away by now.

BEVAN: Yeah, oh yeah (with feeling). 

O'DONNELL: They're just sitting around waiting lype of thing. There's nothing he can do about it type of thing. He hopes a whole lot of them will get dragged out. They are apparently causing a whole lot of trouble largely between two and four in the morning.

BEVAN: Oh yeah, I know.

O'DONNELL: They know who they are.

BEVAN: Oh they know who they are.

O'DONNELL: They are just waiting for Mr Policeman to come along and they can ring up and scream to their heart's content but nobody is going to help them out this time round. They are finished.

BEVAN: Yeah.

O'DONNELL: So any moment they are going to all get out of the road.

BEVAN: Yeah, that will be good news.

O'DONNELL: Oh it will, #### was talking about what good news it will be when it all happens. Mr Policeman is just biding their time till they go through it all and get rid of them all without any worries al all. They are all looking forward to the clean-up.

BEVAN: Yeah.

O'DONNELL: I also talked to Cowboy for a while and he is saying very much the same things. The refuge down at ####### St is full with kids but they are not letting them come up town because of all the other trash that's there.

BEVAN: Hmmm.

O'DONNELL: So there's a whole heap of new faces held on tap just waiting to bust out.

BEVAN: Hmmm.

O'DONNELL: They' ve got a few faces around ready and waiting to go. So, that's going on. All these things are happening.

THE following edited transcript shows Bevan seducing a young Sydney boy.

Bevan met the boy at a heterosexual strip show in Kings Cross. He befriended him and, over time, introduced him to mutual masturbation, the first step on the road to recruitment into Bevan's "school".

Bevan was a supreme manipulator. He kept various "toys" at his West Dapto property, including guns and more than 10 motorbikes. His access to light planes was also a great lure for youpg boys. Bevan was one of the first people in Wollongong to own a car with central locking.

BEVAN: You've got to be home by 12 haven't you?

BOY: Yeah.

BEVAN: Well, we'll have to get going fairly early, about seven or eight.

BOY: Yeah that will be right.

BEVAN: Everytime you go I've got a bonus for you. I've got a bet of $10 for every time you blow. We' ll See how good you are.

BOY: (Laughs).

BEVAN: No, fair dinkum. See how good you are. That's the bet, that's the bet. From seven o'clock, from the time we leave ########### till the time you come home if you go four, five, six times that's your good luck to my sorrow.

BOY: (Laughs) Ripper. I can't wait to see the girls.

BEVAN: Oh, it will be good mate, I'm saving all your pocket money for you too. 10 bucks every time, you'll end up with a bankroll.

BOY: I won't be able to keep it up all night, Jesus. What time?

BEVAN: Oh, you know. half past six or six o'clock or something.

BOY: I almost got killed by my parents last time.

BEVAN: (Worried) Why?

BOY: Because I was out that late and It was pretty late, six thirty; seven thirty.

BEVAN: Oh, when you got back was it? Oh, well that's your fault. You could be home by seven 'cos I could drop you back wherever you want me to by seven o'clock. No worries.

THE following is an edited transcript of a conversation between Bevan and an unnamed American. The edited transcript below shows Bevan's international connections. It also shows he had little hesitation sharing the boys in his "school", even his "specials".

AMERICAN: How are you?

BEVAN: Very well, how are you? (laughs) When did you get in?

AMERICAN: We got in Tuesday.

BEVAN: Oh God. Everything's gone into hiding since you arrived.


BEVAN: There's plenty of trade up there at the moment.


BEVAN: Oh it's chock-a-block.

AMERICAN: Well I haven't had any.

BEVAN: Why, haven't been looking around?

AMERICAN: Not really.


AMERICAN: You know, I don't know where to go anymore. I've been gone five years.

BEVAN: Well Lonny, just to put you in the picture, next to the park. in between the Rex and the park there's a place called #####. Fram there to the fountain is as good as anywhere you'll get.


BEVAN: And of the three or four dozen that are around you will find three or four very good ones there at the moment.


BEVAN: Yeah, very good. I look forward to Sydney because there's so much about and it 's just coming out of the bloody bubblers at the moment; unemployment of course isn't helping, and they are running everywhere.

AMERICAN: Are you having a lot of young lovers? Or do you got one special?

BEVAN: Yeah I've got a couple of specials.


BEVAN: About one-four, one-five.

AMERICAN: Really? (laughs)

BEVAN: Beautiful mate. Has Mother still got the wrestling business?


BEVAN: She's making plenty of money of course.

AMERICAN: Oh yes we are all doing very well But I'll tell you. The prettiest things I dad over here in all the years. I got from you. There was nothing like those last two you know. Last time I was here and at the penthouse. 

BEVAN: Oh yes, I remember. it was beautiful.

AMERICAN: You come into Sydney what, one or two nights a week?

BEVAN: Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

AMERICAN: What do you do, stay?

BEVAN: Yeah, I still stay down at the flat in Elizabeth Bay there. But I might make a trip up on Saturday night and bring something up for you.


BEVAN: Or something. I might bring one of my specials up.

AMERICAN: Well, I could be very generous.

BEVAN: It's Christmas Day isn't it tomorrow?


BEVAN: Oh well, we might come up tomorrow night.

AMERICAN: Well, that would be nice. I would give a nice young chickie a hundred bucks.

BEVAN: Yeah, well.

AMERICAN: That's a lot of money.

BEVAN: Yeah, you'll like this one.

AMERICAN: Are you just. going to bring up the one or are you going to bring one for yourself?

BEVAN: No I'll bring... well I might grab something up there later.

AMERICAN: You just bring the one for me?

BEVAN: But I'll bring the little one for you.

AMERICAN: And I'll be here. I'll be home, my hair in rollers at 9.30.

BEVAN: Lovely.

AMERICAN: Tomorrow night.

BEVAN: Lovely. And how is the trade in...

AMERICAN: Well you know with what you like and we like it's difficult to get something that age.

BEVAN: No but 16, 17.

AMERICAN: Oh plenty of that.

BEVAN: Is there?

AMERICAN: Yes (unintelligible) who works for me goes to those kind ofbars. There's a whole street in Houston called (unintelligible) and it's just lined with places, so if you ever come over ...

BEVAN: Safe, is it safe?


BEVAN: I read terrible reports about Houston.


BEVAN: Oh murders and ...

AMERICAN: Oh yes ...

BEVAN: All these people getting 20 or 30 kids and burying them. All this business ...

AMERICAN: Well, that happens ...

BEVAN: (Laughs) Jesus. 

AMERICAN: Yes it did. It wasn't good for us you know but there's still plenty goes on. You know you can't stop'em, you can't muzzle 'em.

BEVAN: No, hut there's plenty of one-sixes and one-sevens?


BEVAN: And do they all screw or do they... the Americans are funny like that.

AMERICAN: Well some do and some don't you know.

BEVAN: Mmmmm. We're all ladies over here.

The following conversation indicates how well connected Bevan was. Angered by some harassing phone calls from kids, Bevan tells an unnamed woman that he is going to have the problem sorted out unofficially.

BEVAN: Oh they are mongrels of things. I'd like to find them and I know what I'd do to them.

WOMAN: We'll have to see what can be done about it. Somehow or other. I don't know how.

BEVAN: Well I've got a mate in Sydney and I'm going to get some advice. I'm seeing him tomorrow.

WOMAN: Yeah see #####. I think that would be your best bet.

BEVAN: Because there are certain ways you can go about these things without it becoming official. Otherwise you turn the world upside down.

WOMAN: You want to know who you can trust.

BEVAN: That's right. He was down here and he's just gone up there.

WOMAN: He might be able to find some details about down here.

The following conversation is between Bevan and a friend recently returned from a Philippines holiday. In this edited transcript Bevan and the friend discuss the paedophile situation in Manila and the notorious Paksunhan paedophile resort. They also reveal corrupt officials assisted Australian paedophiles.

MAN: How are you mate?

BEVAN: All right. Welcome home.

MAN: Thank you. Thank you.

BEVAN: I heard you were home this week.

MAN: Yeah I got home on Monday.

BEVAN: Ah, Monday's the day. Have a good time?

MAN: Oh marvelous. Excellent, excellent.

BEVAN: That's good news. No drama?

MAN: No drama whatsoever.

BEVAN: No aggravation?

MAN: No, no.

BEVAN: Not even a ripple?

MAN: No, but ...


MAN: ... Uh we were very lucky the ##### (a senior public official) who lives on the other side of the river, as soon as we arrived took us to the ###### (another senior public official's) office and we had a cup of coffee.

BEVAN: That's right, he's a poof.

MAN: Yeah, and so we got in a car and he took us into Santa Cruz and had made an appointment and introduced us to ###-###### (a senior military officer).

BEVAN: Shit.

MAN: So we had photostat copies of our passports and our visas and all the bits done and gave them to him and he said well you've got no problems. If the Department of Immigration comes into the Provinee of Laguna they have got to notify me that they are coming. So if they do decide to come I will be telling them I have already seen you people and I have all your details here and all your papers are in order and I have photostat copies of everything and ... '

BEVAN: They can go and jump.

MAN: ... so there is no need for them to worry you. So that was ...

BEVAN: That was nice.

MAN: Yeah that was good see and of course to the house after a couple of days when the boys started to arrive and I said to a couple of them 'well look I think it's better for you to go back home and I will meet you on the other side of the river. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be coming to the house just in case there is any you know' ...

BEVAN: Yeah.

MAN: ..  spies about.

BEVAN: That's right.

MAN: So anyhow William, that was out here, his young nephew Richard saw me and he said 'I will come and sleep with you tonight' you see ...

BEVAN: Oh shit.

MAN: ... and I couldn't say anything

BEVAN: But yes.

MAN: ... anyhow I went home and then William turned up and I said 'do me a favour, when you go back tell Richard that I don't think it's a good idea for him to come and stay the night'. They tell me that if immigration ever do make any raids they are always made at four or five o' Clock in the morning. I said 'it would be better if he came over with you. like with an adult see'. And he said  well yes be can do that but there no problem. You just come over to the other side" and I said what's the good of me coming over 10 the other side'! The only place l can take anybody is to ####'s place and you know I don't feel inclined t0 be sharing all my friends with ####### (an Australian paedophile)' .

BEVAN: Oh, is she over there?

MAN: She was there.

BEVAN: Oh shit. 

MAN: And he said 'you've got problem ... you've got my house. You can come to my house, I have a big house and your friend ##### from Adelaide is back in Australia and ###### is looking after his big house on his own. there is nobody there and you can speak to ###### and take anybody to his house see "on this side of the river you've got no problems'.


MAN: So then just a couple of days before I was coming home we were going for a drink somewhere and the bloke who owns the house as I went past his house he said 'oh you come in, you come in. I have guests come and have a drink'. So I went in and I-was having a drink with these blokes and one of these fellas said 'now what I tell' he says 'is not to tell you that I agree with the tourists that like the little boys six and seven and eight years of age' he said 'but I lliink that once a boy reaches about 12 or 13 he is quite old enough to make up his own mind what he wants to do'.

BEVAN: Yeah.

MAN: He said 'and so as long as you don't want to have the little babies you can have anybody you want' and I said 'yeah but what about the Immigration Department' and he said 'by the time the Immigration Department has got across the river on a boat I would have my men from the mountains waiting on the other side for 'em'.

BEVAN: (Laughs).

MAN: He was the leader of the local NPA group (communist guerillas). (Laughs).

BEVAN: Oh shit.

MAN: He said 'you have no problems, no problems. Our friends we look after' . He said 'no problems here, the message would get to you in plenty of time before anybody got to this side- of the river.

BEVAN: Yeah, that's what I mean, over thal side is very safe. I would feel a lot safer over there than I would over near lhe pub.

MAN: Of course. You see, as they pointed out to me . . .

BEVAN: Because it is only those that are in the know and friends of the family that are over there anyhow. The rest are all bloody tourists.

MAN: That's right.

BEVAN: Because once you are in the family you're right over there, you're a bloody sacred cow mate, over the river.

MAN: That's right, you're a part of the community.

BEVAN: You're one of the bloody kangaroos.

MAN: Yeah that's right. So of course I had a wonderful time. It was really good.

BEVAN: That's good. So how's Manila generally.

MAN: Well, it's not very much different. It's only how you feel yourself, you know what I mean.

BEVAN: That's right . . . if you feel uncomfortable.

MAN: Like in Harrison Plaza I had three little ones and the whole three of them were bloody little spunks and they followed me and followed me everywhere I went.

BEVAN: Oh shit. You'll break this poor heart.

MAN: When I was going one of them said  'are you going home now' and I said ·yes' and he said ·can I come' and I said 'no you can't come. you are, you know, you are too young'. But the whole three of them were real little bloody spunks and under other bloody circumstances Tony .. .

BEVAN: Mother would have them in his pram and have them home (laughs).

MAN: .. . I would have taken one, two or three of them but you' ve just got that feeling ...

BEVAN: That's right.

MAN: ... that it might be the one bloody time when it might be the wrong people see you.

BEVAN: Well mate, you don 't know who's watching, Over there there are so many eyes you're not sure who's a cockatoo, they see you chatting up the little ones. next thing they're following you and they have someone else follows and semeone else follow and someone else follows and you wouldn't know who's following you.

MAN: You do have to be a bit bloody careful and not go silly and of course it was the bloody tourists themselves you see. they showed me a hour there on the lodge side of the river. By their standards it's Buckingham Palace. Now it was built by a German bloke see and the ####### (a senior public official) showed me all the information and it's in the new papers over there at the moment that, whilst it's in a Filipino's name, the bloke took voluntary deportation, the German guy. and the Government are now trying to get the house and turn it into an orphanage. but the ######## ( senior public official) showed me all the papers and the information. The bloke had 50 children in the house. boys and girls. and there was not one of them over 10 years of age.

BEVAN: Oh shit.

MAN: And he showed me the advertisements that they pretended to the court in German newspapers advertising, advertising in Germany to any paedophiles that were interested in young children 10 and under that he could supply them with anything they wanted and they reckon he made millions.

BEVAN: Mmmm.

MAN: There's an Australian priest over there mate. Recollects money to help the poor people in the Philippines. He's got the most beautiful house built on the river, he's got about four boyfriends who are dripping in bloody gold, they are all young men, they aren't kids, he's got a speed boat going up and down the river see and its all this bloody money be is raising. in Australia to help the poor Filipinos (laughs). He built himself a castle over there.

BEVAN: Yeah.

MAN: Those sort of people do not make the local people happy.

BEVAN: No, no and they all know he's on. 

MAN: Oh of course, yes they all know its on.

BEVAN: It's a wonder they haven't got on to him.

MAN: Well, I would say that sooner or later the boys will come out of the mountains and ...

BEVAN: Fix him up.

MAN: .. . empty his joint out to start with.

BEVAN: You didn t see my little husband down at ...

MAN: No, well I didn't go down there. I didn't go down there. I don't know why I didn't. I just didn't have time Tony. 

BEVAN: Well the main thing is you had a good time.

MAN: I had a ball. Yeah I really did have a good time.

BEVAN: Well I was thinking of you a fortnight ago. I had something over here from Adelaide ...

MAN: Oh yeah.

BEVAN: ... one-six and very nice and it just lobbed in the Cross and I grabbed it and I put it down in the bottom end of Pitt St there in the CBD and some of those places for two or three nights and I drove it backwards and forwards and nursed it. very nice, fantastic in that department Loved everything and couldn't t get enough. And I thought shit jf only you were home you could put it up ...

MAN: Mmmmmmmm.

BEVAN: There's been a bit about, up there. Not so much around the cruising areas but generally in the Cross there's been a bit of new stuff all around as Jong as you get in early. MAN: That's right.

BEVAN: Yes (laughs). Some nice youngies over there?

MAN: Oh yes, oh yes.

BEVAN: Get some nice photos?

MAN: Well I didn't take any ...

BEVAN: Oh bugger me gently.

MAN: .. . I wasn't game to take any nude ones ...

BEVAN: No that doesn't matter.

MAN: ... but I got a few photos of some of the boys yes.

BEVAN: Thank Christ for that.

MAN: And then my other stroke of luck was when I was at the hotel in Manila, just before I was leaving last time I went up on the roof. There was something going-on and I went up on the roof to see. you know, some son of.a parade. -and there were two boys up there with remore control cars. you see. and I talked to them and had a bit of a go with these cars and they belonged 10 a boy who looked like he had a bit of Japanese in him, see. So anyhow I'm in the hotel and a knock comes to the door and it was the younger one of the two, not the Japanese-looking one but- the younger one of the two boys that I had met on the roof. He said 'do you remember me and I said yes I do . I said your name is ####'. He saio 'oh you remember my name why didn't you write. you told me you were going to write . Well I said 'I didnt write because l got home and I went to write to you and I looked at the address you had given me and I thought, there' something very wrong with is, you know, this is not the right address so I didn't write. So he said can I come in'. Well evevy day I was staying in the hotel he visited me. And he is growing into a lovely boy, a lovely boy. So your mother was very lucky.

BEVAN: How old's she?

MAN: She's about 15.

BEVAN: Good screw?

MAN: Yes.

BEVAN: All screwing?

MAN: Well, he did at the end. It all started off very thingo, with him just laying there not doing anything but by about the third day he was active and by the time I got back into Manila for the second visit ...

BEVAN: Oooh (laughs).

MAN: . . . he was ...

BEVAN: Prancing Catherine wheels.

MAN: Yeah, yeah. The only things that he likes is he likes to stand a girlie porno book up on the edge of bed against the wall and every now and then he turns the page. But 99 per cent of the time ...

BEVAN: He forgets about it.

MAN: .. . he's not even looking at it.

BEVAN: No, not interested.

MAN: So, when I went shopping and I would come back and I would buy him a pair of pants or a pair of shorts or a T-shirt or something and bring it back for him and he was thrilled to bits.

BEVAN: Oh that's nice mate.

MAN: So I'll keep that association rolling too.

BEVAN: Yeah, yeah.

MAN: So all in all it was very nice.

BEVAN: Very good.

BEVAN: So when am I going to see you mate.

MAN: Well, whenever, whenever mate, whenever, whenever. I'm home, I'm here. I'd better try and get down and say g'day to you over the next couple of weeks I'd say.

BEVAN: Yeah, yeah. Ever see the little one you were going to bring down?

MAN: Well, as a matter of fact ### called in here last night and said he had a phone call from him.

BEVAN: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

MAN: Yeah #### came down the week before I went away and stayed for a couple of days so I made him write down the dates and that I would be back so I expect to hear from him any tick of the clock.

BEVAN: Oh, right Well, when you're ready. give u a yell mate and in the meantime I'll give you a ring when I'm in Sydney and we' ll get together.

MAN: All right Ton.

The Illawarra Mercury handed over the Bevan Tapes to the NSW Royal Commission Investigating claims of child abuse in the community.

The investigation had gone nowhere.

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