Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-11-22
Guardian is leaving "X", formerly known as twitter. They say the platform is toxic, they say that "benefits of being on X are now outweighed by the negatives", I will come back to that claim a bit later.
We must understand that the platform "X" itself doesn't create any content. When Guardian says X is hate speech, they mean we are hate speech; When Guardian says X is conspiracist, they mean we are conspiracists.
I had discussed the definition of hate speech in another article. Using those principles, I took another look at the people who are doing some suspected "hate speech" on X. No doubt, they are all criticizing the conducts of certain groups of people: certain groups might be so powerful that they "can't be criticized", but those words are still free speech, not hate speech. X users are grownups and know that real hate speech gets boring really fast: I had never seen the real hate speech for quite a while.
I had also taken a look at the "conspiracists". Some believe vaccines are crooked, some believe climate change is a hoax; others believe some historical events are staged or false flagged. These topics are not exactly my research interests, so won't comment on the validity of those argument. But I find those topics to be at least interesting: X platform is categorized as "entertainment" app after all, it is we the activists, be it the Q movement or Guardian themselves, who are "living under someone else's roof" to push our aggrievances to the public. We should have been thankful to those who were looking for happiness on the platform, to actually follow us and spend time to listen to us revealing the darkest reality of this world, which will only bring them shock and horror: nothing "happy" to think about.
Uh, I should also take a look at myself as well.
Am I a "conspiracist"? Probably not, because most of articles on the Eureka Q website are excerpts from mainstream media, many even from Guardian itself. They are all verified, true stories.
Am I a "Far-Right"? This actually depend on what "far-right" actually means. Political spectrum wise, the Eureka Q movement had always been on the "dead centre", so centre that makes you uncomfortable sometimes, but this won't stop us attracting so much support and so many followers within so short time since its founding.
Am I an "extremist"? So far, the only action I have been calling for is to distribute some flyers to make people know the website.
I reckon I am not part of the reason that have caused Guardian to leave, otherwise, lots of eyebrows will be raised on their side for sure.
So the reason to leave a platform, "benefits of being on X are now outweighed by the negatives" as they say, but what are the "benefits"?
For media organizations, the benefits are always making more people hearing your voice. Especially the opposite side of the political spectrum. I never fear to broadcast message to group of people who don't believe that our government is controlled by bunch of pedophiles, because I have the confidence that the evidence and information will be so powerful, that by the end of the day, the only people who pretend to not believe me, would only be those perpetrators themselves. That is why I have been to X, I have been to telegram, diving into some of the "worst" communities and groups the elite considered to be. Perhaps I will go to "BlueSky" evetually, despite it quickly becoming a gay dating website.
What about Guardian? The problem of Guardian perhaps isn't about letting people accepting its opinions. Most of their articles are easily agreeable, perhaps they are indeed wasting their time, we the X users already agree with them. But the problem indeed lies in the few articles that X user won't agree on. Not only Guardian cannot persuade users on those matters, but they also risk people of their own, their employees and volunteers, being persuaded by X people. Now that is catastrophic loss.
Guadian's business model is mostly donation, it doesn't need to appease the readers, it only needs to appease the big money. Only those elites have the money to donate, so the Guardian can publish the voices of the elites. Now think about employees of Guardian, reading my post, starting to understand those elites who paid them for writing and publishing articles, are actually pedophile rings that control the government around world, and startled to find many of my posts or articles were originally from Guardian itself... You let this happen for a while, Guardian will have less and less volunteers and employees. Guardian don't need readers to survive, they only need rich donors. But if nobody wants to work for them, it could be an even bigger problem.
So they leave, going to BlueSky, knowing that the hordes of same-sex daters will deter most of us "normal people", and continue their business, pretending a large readership and accept donors and publish some uninspiring articles. Other mainstream media will follow, since they had been the mouthpiece of the rich for quite sometime.
This is the real tragedy of the "many Guardians" out there, not only they cannot persuade their audiences, they can't even persuade themselves.
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