They Know We Know:

So they want to eliminate "local white Aussie" as much as they want to kill Trump

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-09-27

Preface: Shortly after the Covid lock down years, all the immigration countries, namely US, UK and Australia, plus many others, had all seen a high number of immigrations into their countries, causing housing, employment and infrastructure crisis everywhere. It is not hard to conclude that none of the voters want this level of immigration, in fact the immigrants themselves had always been the most anti-immigration faction - right after they have gained the right to vote of course... so why the politicians still risk their votes to bring them in?
Home Page - No Woke - They Know We Know

This is a "Dark Forest" scenario in Australia. We know that the government are controlled by a bunch of pedophiles. And here is the most terrifying part: The government know that we know it. Let me say it again, the gvernment know that we know it. So what will happen?

Imagine if you are working at a company, and you happened to "accidentally" catch your supervisor stealing company product, being timid, you actually apologized to your supervisor and promised that you will absolutely tell nobody that your supervisor is a thief.

Business as usual? No, it will never be. From the moment on, it will be so awkward to work with him, and I am sure it will be you that have to move on to another job. Otherwise your supervisor will sabotage you out of the picture, because he will never ever trust you again. This is what bosses do all the time, if they don't do this, they will not become boss. After this? he continues his stealing.

We have similar scenario here, in short answer, the government will be working hard, day and night, to sabotage we the people, out of the picture. "All bosses are the same". But the long answer is a bit more complex: Since not all of us "know about it", what they are actually doing is to control the percentage of people knowing it at a low level, and they continue what they were doing as well, AKA running the pedophile rings.

I bring you this famous survey about Qanon followers in America. in March 2021 the number is at 15%. In this article it reveals that by Sep 2021 the number has raised to 17%. By projection in Mid-2024 this could have already reached 25%. Please note very similar things are happening in Australia too.

Side note here, I think if they remove the word "Satan" in the survey, the numbers could be a lot higher.

So, They have to lower this number, and what they do is very blunt:

Step one, introduce mass immigration. Preferably "coloured", since they are less likely to "know it" due to culture background and associations. Once again, this is not a "racially oriented" decision, just a bit "culturally focused" to be fair, we cannot blame the government for being racist at this point, plus those immigrants' appearance could make it easier to distinguish from we the "thugs" who "know it";

Step two, try to expel "local people" simply because they have a higher risk of "knowing it". In a legal society you can't just throw people out without a reason, so they set up something called "woke" to make it very hard for a white heterosexual male to find a job in Australia so they have to leave. Without a job, locals are more likely to break the law too. And when they break the law, apply maximum penalty to keep them in jails as long as possible. Hence you frequently hear things like an immigrant raping a little girl repeatedly but getting only 3 months, in comparison "locals" getting 2 years for posting an "offensive" meme. This "targeted" expelling/jailing achieves maximum effciencies by dealing with the smallest number of people while keeping the "percentage" at an acceptable level, so the ruling class can continue what they were doing while society continues to function.

I would remind you the brutality of the ruling class by using the example of Donald Trump. Trump had certainly caught many of the wrong doings of the US government. He even said he will publish the client list of the Epstein Island. Hence by now, we all have witnessed how the deep state and the establishment want to sabotage him out of the picture. Till recently they started assassinating him, one plot after another. I don't think any of the reader of this article would have any confidence to see him finishing this 4 years term alive even if he got elected.

This is exactly why the government hate the local white people so much that they really sincerely want the "white genocide", so nobody really knows what they are doing anymore, they hope. Once again governments are not racist, it is just because the "white people" were at the wrong place at the wrong time, sadly.

For this reason, we should not really hate the immigrants at all, this is not their fault after all. Indeed there are some immigrants raping 7-year-old girls but it was the equally pedo white judge who put them in jail for just 3 months right? In order to turn this thing around, it is really simple, we just tell the immigrants everything about what the government is doing, it will make the government really difficult to "suppress the percentage" by introducing mass immigration anymore.

It is a bit like Trump picking a vice president partner Vance that is almost exactly like himself, so the effects of assassination would be greatly diminshed: we turn those immigrants into exact backup copies of ourselves, so the government will have less incentives to eliminate us. If lucky, things will quickly got out of control for the pedo government and they will have no other choices but to leave this country. And all those woke nonsense, I tell you, will disappear in one day. Don't believe me? Just try it.

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