Police, magistrate and MPs:

South Australian government tried to jail activists to cover up child raping

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-09-17

Preface: Below article is the excerpt of multiple sources include the "SMH", "The Age", and "ABC".
Home Page - Save Our Kids - Police, magistrate and MPs

South Australia's former parliamentary speaker Peter Lewis, in 2005, accused A serving Labor minister of having sex with under-age boys at a gay pick-up haunt in Adelaide, following years of rumour in the public. Separately, a former Liberal MP, who was not named but whose identity is common knowledge in political and media circles, has been accused of having sex with teenage boys in the mid-1980s.

The labor serving minister was also believed to be linked to the deaths of two anti-child-abuse campaigners. Peter Lewis earlier said two gay men, who were recently found dead in Adelaide, had told him of a pedophile MP who frequented the city's south parklands, a known homosexual haunt.

Mr Lewis also said the men's deaths could not be dismissed as coincidence.

The accusers, gay victims Robert Woodland and Shaine Moore, were brutally murdered after they claimed the MP was involved in pedophile behaviour.

Mr Woodland, 36, was bashed to death December 2004 in Adelaide's south parklands. His murder is unsolved.

Mr Moore, 33, was found dead in his north suburban Adelaide house on February 2005 this year in what police say were suspicious circumstances.

Another man, convicted pedophile Craig Ratcliffe, once said there was video evidence of the serving MP involved in a sexual act in the south parklands at Veale Gardens, a notorious homosexual meeting place.

Mr Lewis and his volunteers, Barry Standfield and Wendy Utting, faxed a statutory declaration to 100 media outlets that year, and claiming four public officials were pedophiles. Among them two serving police officers and a magistrate, plus the aforementioned serving minister.

Police initially said the pedophile MP allegations had been reported in 2003 and were found to be unsubstantiated. But at the time of the Parliament session they reopened the investigation.

Then South Australian assistant commissioner Madeiline Glynn initially announced that police were examining a computer hard drive handed to them by a member of the public.

However shortly after, the police arrested Mr Lewis' volunteers, who attempted to uncover the atrocities, for "criminal defamation".

After years of court battle, in 2008, the volunteers against child-abuse, Wendy Utting, 39, and Malcolm Barry Standfield, 67, were acquitted by a jury unanimously in supreme court. They were cleared of any wrong doings.

But the investigation into the MP had gone nowhere.

Wendy Utting leaves court after her acquittal.

Eureka Q / Australia

The South Australia's former parliamentary speaker had always maintained that there is an Australia-wide pedophile ring including several people in high office. On 1st April 2005, Peter Lewis, stated:

There are a large number, but not a high percentage, of people in high places and positions of trust who take it for granted that they can indulge their sexual appetites for children of both sexes so long as they arrange to cover it up and get away with it… It’s a national problem and MPs involved seem to know each other.

On 4th April 2005, Peter Lewis resigned his position as Speaker of the South Australian Parliament.  He resigned amidst allegations that certain ministers and journalists thwarted his attempts to expose high-end pedophilia rings by reducing his concerns about pedophilia to ‘homophobia.’  During his parting speech he stated:

I…was quietly, and as quickly as possible, bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated. But they were being ‘bumped off’- that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I or the people who were helping me could get them to write down their allegations and then swear that what they were saying was true…

The most outrageous thing of all…is…what appears to be the related and organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office – that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks of human services portfolios, some police and MPs, across the nation, especially within the ranks of the Labor Party.

Yet you only have to recall in recent years the investigations, charges and successful convictions against such people as Darcy, Liddy, Wright, Wells, a former senator and other current and past MPs in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria to understand my concern. They have not acted alone or in isolation, it seems to me…

It is not surprising that we find [Pedophiles] in the jobs and roles of leadership.

Peter Lewis is not the only casualty in the war against Australian pedophile rings.  Consider Reina Michaelson, PhD psychologist, 2005 Young Australian of the Year (Community Service).  In 2004, Dr Michaelson called for a Royal Commission into allegations of a Victorian paedophile ring involving the education department, police, child protection services, a day care centre, politicians, a television station, and religious organisations.  

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