Abbott Howard bust vandalised in Ballarat:

Incident widely believed related to George Pell child raping case

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-08-08

Home Page - Save Our Kids - Abbott Howard bust vandalised in Ballarat

In Jun 2020, Statues in Prime Ministers Avenue in Victorian town, Ballarat, have been daubed with red paint and graffiti.

The busts of Tony Abbott and John Howard were spray-painted with obscene words such as "pedo" over the weekend.

The action comes after the corrupt high court of Australia acquitting George Pell of child raping crimes. Former Prime Minister Abbott and Howard had been the most out-spoken supporter of George Pell's "innocence" over the years.

The bronze busts have been covered for damage assessment.

Eureka Q / Australia

George Pell had stationed in Ballarat as priest for many years, where most of his child raping victims are believed to live.

Prime Ministers Avenue in the town’s botanical gardens is an ongoing project, with busts of every Australian prime minister, from Edmund Barton, the country’s first, up to Abbott.

A federal minister tried to attribute this incident to the "Black Lives Matter" movement. But he can't explain way other prime minister's busts were untouched.

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