Central Coast the Woods:

Where cult groups protected by police raped children in religious ceremonies

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-10-29

Preface: Below was an excerpt from newspaper "Sun Herald", titled "Evil in the woods", by Miranda Wood and Martin Chulov, published on 8 August 1999
Home Page - Save Our Kids - Central Coast the Woods

The Police Integrity Commission in 1999 was probing a shocking series of allegations that pedophiles have been protected by police and officials entrusted to care for the children. They said they uncovered evidence of central coast sites used in cult child abuse, to which drawings made by children who claim to have been raped, bear an eerie resemblance. However, years had passed, there was no more follow ups on this matter.

One mother's traumatized child tells of adult groups hanging him from a cross, killing animals, performing sexual acts on cult members and watching orgies.

A child from a separate family, who does not know the other child, tells an identical story. The Sun-Herald has seen evidence of those ceremonies.

One mother, Genevieve, who has fought a four-year campaign to have authorities probe her claims said her case was similar to 33 other cases reported to the Department of Community Services. Medical evidence has proved that both Genevieve's children have been abused.

"I'm coming across more and more women who tell the same story", She said.

"I've spent years trying to get help for my children, but there are people who don't want this to come out.

"As he comes to feel safer, he has given more detailed explanations of what has happened to him and his brother.

"They held laser lights in their eyes to disorientate them. They were locked in basements, and they had to watch each other being abused. He couldn't have possibly made all of this up."

Genevieve said the boys had told her the names of those who assaulted them, and they could recall seeing at least 30 people at cult gatherings in the bush.

She said she believed the cult's rituals had been passed through generations of cultish covens.

"My son can recognize members in the street, and he even knows their names," she said.

The children called the bushland site "the woods".

"They would take long walks through the bush, and it was always at night. The ceremonies were held at night," Genevieve said.

The drawings by each child also show the same violent acts and symbols used by the cult. One of the symbols Genevieve's sons drew was the same symbol on the ceremonial table police have taken a photo of at the bushland site.

Genevieve said the children were afraid to tell of the abuse after cult members threatened to kill them and their mothers.

Cult members also told them about a bomb in their stomach would explode if the truth was revealed - a trait associated with worldwide satanic covens.

Genevieve said her son could also remember being drugged and hypnotized.

"He said they dressed in black robes and had eye and mouth pieces cut out," she said.

"I know they're pretty dangerous people. I have had warnings outside the house telling me to stop investigations. We're fearful for our lives. The boys never want me out of their sight."

She is now battling to let the truth come out and protect other children from a fate similar to that of her sons.

Genevieve said: "It's an absolute nightmare. You try to get help, and you have the door slammed in your face repeatedly. I'd do anything to stop this from happening again.

"After a while they make you feel as though you dreamed it all up. The laws and the attitudes need to change."

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