The Police had always protected them:

The corrupt link between catholic church pedos and Australian Police

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-07-18

Preface: The information bellow were gathered from multiple sources, including the book "Dirty Work" by Glen McNamara, Article "Kings Cross: Drugs, Deceit, and the Dirty Badge" from online, Article "Robert “Dolly” Dunn" from Moody Law website.
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Robert “Dolly” Dunn was born on 30 January 1941 and died on 11 July 2009 in Long Bay Prison. He left school at the age of fifteen and joined the novitiate of an order of Teaching Brothers. He left the novitiate without becoming a Brother. He became a lay school teacher, teaching science at Marist Brothers Penhurst for nearly 20 years. Robert Dunn was also in charge of dishing out punishment for misbehavior where he had his own private office for doing so. During his time at Marist Brothers Penhurst, it is known that Robert Dunn would often sexually abuse students in his office and he would also loiter around the shower block at the School where the boys would shower and change after physical education classes and sport. He would also abuse students in the shower block.

Dunn boasted that the same clergy, who gave him the cassocks for his depraved fantasy, also provided him with permanent employment and respectability in his professional and church life. The Catholic Church and the Catholic Education Office never questioned Dunn’s respectability. There was never any internal inquiry into Dunn’s paedophilia and he retired early in 1987 in his mid-40s.

Robert “Dolly” Dunn was teaching science at Marist Brothers Penhurst for nearly 20 years.

Eureka Q / Australia

Dunn admitted that he was connected to a ‘circle of friends’ who were also devoted to the same desire. Dunn collected around him a group of men who referred to themselves as a ‘circle of friends’, special group amongst paedophiles as they all loved pre-pubescent boys, the age range of around eight years to 14 years.. What all these men had in common was that they lusted after young boys with the same fervour as Dunn. Many hid their obsession behind a cloak of respectability. Dunn gave the circle access to the young boys he was with everyday. Colin Fisk was a member of this circle. So infamous was the nickname ‘Dolly’ that it became an adjective for sexual perversion. ‘Doing a Dolly’ people would say of a paedophilic act.

Dunn spoke about how he became associated with NSW Police detective Larry Churchill, during Churchill’s time at Redfern. Dunn’s house in Chippendale was right in the centre of the Redfern Station police patrol. ‘You know I have paid Laz a lot of money over the past 10 years or so, on and off but more on than off,’ he confessed. ‘We are protected by the Police. Col set it up with Laz way back in the early 1970s.’

At 11:45am on 31 March 1989, history was made at the Kings Cross Police Station when a team of 40 detectives swept in, closed the station, searched it from top to bottom, and carted off a few detectives for questioning on allegations of massive corruption involving drug dealing and two of the nation’s most notorious pedophiles Robert ‘Dolly’ Dunn and Colin Fisk.

Robert Dunn fled Australia to Indonesia before he could be charged by NSW Police. While he was living in Indonesia, it was reported he was living with up to four Australian men who would lure local boys back to their home with gifts of clothes and cigarettes.

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