Schools Fire Whistleblowers:

But the pedo teachers were allowed to continue to work till retirement

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-11-06

Preface This is an exclusive article produced by Eureka Q journalist after approached by a couple who had their stories told, in Tasmania, that how they tried to report a pedophile teacher but subsequently lost their way of living and shelter.
Home Page - Save Our Kids - Schools Fire Whistleblowers

Rachel* (Not real name) studied hard towards a master's degree of teaching, so she can work as a teacher. She started her final practice at Oatlands district school, Tasmania, where there is a teacher who had been taking young boys in his car for rides out of school. Most of these boys have learning difficulties. The teacher had been moved around from schools to schools, many times.

This man in question worked in a position of Advanced Skills Teacher (AST), meaning senior teacher and part of the school leadership group, He was in charge of the Kinder to Grade 5 sector. He is also in charge of a special class at the time but was empty, so he tried his best to coerce two difficult learning boys into it.

Full of red flags? But there isn't hard evidence to do something about it yet.

Whistle blower worked at Oatlands District High School during uni practice

Eureka Q / Australia

Rachel* let her husband, Tim*, knew about this. Tim* made a telephone call to the teacher in question and warned him to "leave the boys alone".

Threating people over the phone could attract cops to your door, and indeed the police came to the couple's door, but not about warning him about threaten people.

The police told Tim* that he is "out of line", and "could have stuffed up an investigation". Self-admission of guilt? Na, rather, it is police-admission of guilt, unless police was part of it... Anyway, the couple certainly have enough reason to take the matter further.

Rachel* then reported to what they thought were the correct channels: Education department.

If you have been here for a while, you would know that this is definitely against the "working culture" in a public school system. You are not supposed to report anyone, especially sexual assaults against students by a teacher. This website is full of examples people getting into troubles doing this.

Rachel* then received a telephone call from school, telling her that she will not become a teacher after her university practice, because she "cannot conduct herself"

Not only she lost her job, but she was also told to vacate the rented home by the education department within a week.

Rachel* then continued to look after her husband who has been suffering joint problems, and never entered the work force again.

As for the Teacher in question, he was allowed to work until retirement recently. It has been three years, but the "alleged" police investigation had gone nowhere.

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