Mr Bubbles Horror:

Court banned all victims from testifying, Parliament banned debate, Pedo walked free

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-09-06

Preface: Below article is the excerpt of article "WITNESS FOR MR. BUBBLES Transcribed from 'Australia 60 Minutes', Channel Nine Network ", more info here, and news article "Officer in Mr Bubbles case 'had links' with pedophiles", Canberra times, published Sep 1990, more info here
Home Page - Save Our Kids - Mr Bubbles Horror

Tony Deren was caught sexual assault of two young girls at Port Moresby, New Guinea in 1972. Confessing to the Hinch program, without shame, he said, "Well, actually there were two girls, between the ages ten and thirteen, and I sat in the swimming pool, playing games with the children, and I seemed to have this, uh, need to touch young girls in their private parts."

But this didn't stop him from opening a childcare cerntre, Seabeach Kindergarten at Mona Vale, Sydney, which eventually grow into a pedophile ring for the rich and powerful locals. Parents who send the kids to that childcare finally realize that something is wrong.

"Jocelyn said that they were undressed, and that they got into a bathtub that was full of bubbles, and that they played in the bath tub. " Mother of one of the children said.

Reporter: "Did Mr. Bubbles ever get into the bath himself? "

Mother of Jocelyn: "Yes, he did. She said that he got in without any clothes on. They'd get undressed and get in the bath while he had a shower. He'd have a shower before he'd hop in the bath with them." 

Always the same story. Three and four year olds being lured into bubble baths with a man who sexually abused them. 

As word spread, more and more children were taken to the local police station, after initial questioning by their distraught parents. Questions which brought bizarre answers; and led police here, the kindergarten the children attended, Seabeach Kindergarten. The children told parents and police how they were taken from here for parties. Special parties hosted, by Mr. Bubbles. 

Officer: "Did Mr. Bubbles touch you between the legs? "

Child: "On my taz?" (child's term for genitalia) 

Officer: "Yes, did he touch your taz? "

Child: (Starts crying) "Mr. Bubbles was naughty to touch my taz."

Another child: "I put some things in his body, and he put some things in my body, but I didn't want him to."

Cindy's medical report confirms she was abused. The doctor found signs consistent with traumatic dilatation of the anus. 

Officer: "Have you ever had a sore for any length? "

Child: "Yes."

17 June 1990, Channel Nine aired a story that a number of people, including some in high places, wanted to keep secret: the case against Mr. Bubbles. In that report, parents named Tony Deren as the man who had sexually assaulted their children. Deren's wife ran the kindergarten they attended. Police listed seventeen young victims, and more than fifty (54) criminal charges were eventually laid. But when the Mr. Bubbles case went to court, none of the children was allowed to give evidence by the court. The charges were thrown out, and Tony Deren was set free. 

Pedophile Deren hired a psychologist from the United States for 25,000, named Ralph Underwager, who says he's an expert in child sexual abuse. He testified that the children's evidence had been contaminated, and they were too young to know what the truth was. And Australian corrupt court system believed him.

However, according to Professor Kim Oates, head of the Child Protection Unit at the Camperdown Children's Hospital in Sydney, said, "Having examined them, and talked with them, I'm absolutely convinced the children were sexually abused."

Professor Oates wanted to give evidence in court. But he was never asked. It turns out even the police officers in Mr Bubbles case 'had links' with pedophiles.

In Sep 1990, Opposition alleged in Parliament that a police officer involved in the investigation into the Mr Bubbles child sexual-assault case allegedly had links with a NSW police pedophile protection racket.

The Opposition spokeswoman on family and community services, Deirdre Grusovin, raised the issue of an pedophile protection racket involving NSW police and alleged links to one officer involved in the flawed Mr Bubbles investigation.

"Because this case is so important, I want to make available to the Premier papers containing allegations, a record of interview with a self-confessed pedophile in which he ... links the Seabeach Kindergarten case to the police force.

"The most disturbing aspect in the papers ... is that one of the officers named is linked to the Mr Bubbles case.

"Of course the Attorney-General already knows about the matter because he has granted immunity to this pedophile in order to testify in another case."

Mrs Grusovin was prevented from making further statements after the Speaker, Kevin Rozzoli, ruled her out of order. Mr Dowd then gagged further debate on the matter.

Outside Parliament, she accused the Government of deliberately obstructing further public debate on the matter and of covering up what would be revealed in a Royal commission.

"A Royal commission should not just be limited to the Seabeach case but it should cover the whole area of child sexual abuse and the question of pedophile networks operating in this state," she said.

She brought with her a parent of one of the children involved in the Mr Bubbles case, who claimed Mr Dowd was playing politics. Fighting back tears, he said an inquiry was needed to ensure parents of children in other cases of alleged sexual assault had enough faith in the legal system to go ahead with attempted prosecution cases.

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