Criminal Justice Commission Pedo Ring:

Man died after revealing Former priest , ABC manager and QLD CJC director

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-09-09

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On the 29th May, 1998, at 3.45 pm, Senator Bill Heffernan made a speech which highlighted the code of silence which protects worldwide child sex networks, in particular, Australian pedophile networks. These networks include people in the judiciary, parliament, clergy and the Public Service. Many of these people live in an abhorrent culture in which is included, as a spoils of office, the right to have sex with children.

According to Heffernan, These people seriously compromise their workplaces as perpetrators, as too do those people who knowingly ignore or turn a blind eye to this ultimate betrayal of our children.  "Honourable senators" should be concerned at developments involving the Criminal Justice Commission, the body set up to investigate official corruption in State after the Fitzgerald inquiry. One of the senior members of this body, Mr Robert Hailstone, a former priest and manager of the ABC in Brisbane, and director of the corruption prevention division of the CJC, has left the CJC in what could only be called exceptional circumstances.

In November 1997 a State police pedophilia task force raided Hailstone’s house at 31 Dudley Street, Bardon and took possession of a great deal of obscene material. Eric Goh, a man who lives with Hailstone at 31 Dudley Street, appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on charges of possessing for sale indecent or obscene material. "These charges raise serious issues of concern." Heffernan have in his possession a letter which he read into the public record, and which records disturbing incidents alleged to have occurred at the Criminal Justice Commission director, Mr Hailstone’s house. The letter was written by a man, Mr Phillip Wood, shortly before he died. Hailstone recently resigned from the CJC rather than face disciplinary charges including association with an inappropriate person. It seems to me that the whole period of Hailstone’s service with the CJC should be examined, particularly as this body has failed in the past to investigate pedophilia allegations. The letter written to a Brisbane solicitor reads as follows:

Dear Malcolm,

This is my account of the incident on 30th June 1996. On 30th June 1996 I attended a luncheon party at the home of Mr Robert Hailstone, 31 Dudley Street, Rainworth. In attendance were a total of fourteen persons, including Mr. Robert Hailstone – it then mentions a second and third person – the others I either didn’t know or can’t remember their names. During the course of the luncheon, some of the guests and the host were talking about having sex with young Asian boys, especially during their holidays in Thailand. This conversation was somewhat disturbing to me as I regard pederasty as anathema but I said nothing. Later on the conversation was about the church and their involvement in it, some of the group having been to church that day.

This triggered a hostile reaction in me and I asked them how they could be involved in an institution that so vocally condemns homosexuality. This prompted an outburst of abuse by one of their number to me, with me responding by calling them a bunch of churchgoing pedophiles and saying that they should be outed (meaning to publicly expose them).

I then left the house. As I was reversing out of the driveway (there were a number of cars parked there) I clipped the wing mirror of one of the cars. This bought the lot of them out onto the driveway, shouting abuse and kicking the driver’s side of my car breaking the driver’s side window. I was bleeding from the broken glass and being physically attacked by a number of persons. In an attempt to escape I reversed into a tree and drove into the side of a car parked in the driveway. In the melee that followed one of their number managed to turn off the ignition of my car and remove the key. I was than left alone in my car whilst they huddled together a few metres away. I used a spare key and drove out of the driveway. I was covered in glass and blood and very shaken up but I drove to my home in Victoria Point without incident. I had arrived at the luncheon at approx. 12:15 pm and arrived at my home at 3:30 pm.

Mr Robert Hailstone, who is a director of the CJC had stated to me on a couple of occasions that he could have anyone in Queensland arrested on a trumped up drug charge. With this in mind l was afraid to report the incident to the police.

Yours sincerely,

Phillip J. Wood

This letter was dated 8 November, 1996. Mr Wood was found dead two days later in his home on 10 November, 1996.

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