Darlinghurst The Wall:

Children raped daily by government, solicitors, movie stars...

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-08-09

Preface: This video was originally created by Glen Fisher, a survivor of child abuse. Darlinghurst in Sydney Australia has historically been known for its under aged red-light district, centered around Kings Cross and "The Wall", located near the National Art School of Australia. For more info read here. Reader discretion is advised.
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Unmute the listen to Glen Fisher's account of "The Wall"

We're in Darlinghurst just outside of King's Cross. This is a very important part of the story that people need to know. That's the wall over there which we're gonna go up to and I'll show you.

This is the gazebo, this top bit wasn't there, the glass bit around it used to be nothing there and there's just a little fence and us kids used to climb up over on this side, pull each other up and we used to sit up there dancing and stuff.

We sleep there overnight you know which is pretty dangerous considering what used to happen in this park. This park was full of predators and as we walk up here I'll show you how it work.

These seats along here and this wall along here, a lot of the little, young kids just sit across this wall. These are the kids that be newly introduced to the streets, there's almost like hierarchy of, where people would stand and be positioned. This spot was always for the really young kids, I've seen kids as young as 11,12 age here, I see they are hanging in little groups.

if you know the story about Monkey Jamison the one that with Janine Balding this is where he was when he met up with The other guys that day, and went off to do that heinous crime.

Darlinghurst the wall: the wall is where young kids used to solicit, sell themselves and they would stand across them walls. If you can take a shot over there at the wall, if you see the beams between each wall which is actually university behind it. This wall goes all the way up, right at Darlinghurst Road, right up to Oxford Street, to where Taylor Square is and between each of these walls was a position, so each kid owned a spot, like that square was their actual area.

And then they, and the car, they would stand out in the front and men like businessmen would drive up. Like people that work for the government, solicitors, movie stars, some really famous and important people, because they were safe in their car, they could drive up in their car, they could proposition their kid, the child would get in the car, they could drive away to over their home or to wherever it was that they used to take them.

but we had a problem in the late around 84, 85, 86 kids started disappearing, like literally getting in the cars and not returning. There was also a Bloke called Filthy Fred, who used to sit on these seats over here. Filthy Fred used to sell here. Now I'll share a story with you and if you're watching Fred I'm happy to tell you about this story: I was staying in a flat in this arcade, in this lane way right, when I was about seventh window up, just where the corner is right and I've got my head out having a smoke when I look out the window and I see Fred go to this bush. There's a bush around that and he put something in the bush that he walks up this lane way and there's a downpipe going up the wall and I seen him put something between the downpipe. So I didn't act straight away and I watched him, and he came back about half an hour later and done the same routine again. I thought gotcha. Soon as he left and I came around to this corner and I seen him walking just out of my vision. I bolted over here reaching the bush, there was a big load of money , it was about 1300 dollars. Then I bang, ran down to where the downpipe was, there was a little canister, a black canister full of the gear.

We'll just finish off on the last bit up here, which is to get you a good vision of wall. as I said along this wall, all the children used to sit, kids, little children, like kids as young as eleven, would sit along here, and then all the way up. So the further up the wall it went, the more longer the kid had been here. They had their own positions, which was when the cars first come in, they wanted to be the first ones that the car saw. they come from both directions, but usually, they would slow down and crawl through here. that's pretty much all I want to say about it for now.

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