Qanonism Saviour of Modern Society:

Australia needs this ideology to run the country, to care the people, and to survive

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-08-29

Preface: Every country requires a specific ideology to govern effectively as it forms the bedrock for crafting policies, laws, and regulations that guide the societal conduct and dictate the pace and direction of national development. The absence of a guiding philosophy can lead to chaos, disunity, and inefficiency as it leaves a vacuum in the decision-making process, thereby causing uncertainty and confusion. An overarching ideology unifies the nation under a common understanding and shared aspirations, as it provides a framework for the collective beliefs, values, and goals of a society. Hence, without a unifying ideology, a country might find it challenging to create harmony, progress, or even maintain social order, resulting in its eventual disintegration or failure.
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The recent development of the western world is distressing.

UK, once dubbed a democracy, now have completely shut down its freedom of speech. The police are now arresting people who are posting satirical yet peaceful contents, and the court systems in UK, running 24/7 now, is throwing those people into jails for months and even years. The government said those posts are "offensive". Mate I think I would get lessor punishment for insulting the Thai's monarchy, since you always get exonerated after a few days in jail.

I think we stop pretending now, UK is no longer a democracy. it is sliding into the worst tyranny you would see on the planet.

On the other side of Atlantic, situation in US is not any better, it is falling apart too, and I don't have to go into details.

This is a stark warning for Australian people, because if US and UK had fallen, the Australian people must choose an ideology to run the country: Communism, Churchstate, Fascism or Qanonism. Otherwise, this country can no longer exist.

Communism punishes high performers, it will result in decline in productivity, and eventually People will fall into poverty.

Churchstate is against technology: Whilst you may no longer worry about those woke nonsense, you may also have to say goodbye to internet, smart phones, video games etc and all the conveniences they bring.

Fascism gives people no freedom. It is based on suppression, and frankly nobody cares about what is right or wrong, only about obedience.

Now tell me, do you want to go with any of the above? you have to pick one, because after the fall of UK and US, Australia may need one of the ideologies to sustain its existence, and to care its people.

OR, we have an alternative ideology, the "Qanonism". In a nutshell, Qanonism is about the belief that powerful pedophile rings have significant influence over government, so they manipulate the political and legal system to protect themselves, and to enable their child sex and trafficking crimes in a large scale, internationally. And of course, all walks of life need to work together for a change.

Now, seeing the difficulties in the UK and the US, as well as looking through the history, it won't be hard to conclude that Qanonism would be the best to run country, and bring all Australian people unitied:

First of all, this ideology is fact based, so it would much better than a church state, the theories of which is hardly maintainable.

Secondly, large part of the Q movement is about fighting against the government cover up and its corrupt narratives. So, it will emphasize on personal freedom protection, such as free speech etc. It is certainly better than Fascism.

Finally, Q movement is not hostile to private ownership, hardworking people will still get rich, just, the rich people cannot abuse children anymore. So, it is certainly better than Communism.

But don't forget, Qanonism has perhaps the biggest mobilization power in a modern society. According to 2022 data, Q believers had raised from 14% to 17% within half year. Now it is 2024 and with more information about Epstein case published, it is safe to estimate that more than 20% of population are part of the Qanon. If it is a political party, it will at least win more votes than the Greens; if it is a religious sect, it is more powerful than the Catholic Church, whose people now made up slightly less than 20% of the country. Qanon is also composed of people more diversified than any other system, literally, all walks of life.

Always remember, if an ideology meant to rule a country, it needs to be able to mobilize people. Now if you think of it, Qanonism is now the most powerful ideology by a mile for the modern society. If Australia can adopt it, it can unify the people, it can care the people, and especially, our way of life doesn't need to change much at all. It is time for everyone, including the statesmen who have a foresight, to embrace it.

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