Eunuch Rules the World:

Except they had always been the sad stories in history

Editorial Assembly / Updated: 2024-07-27

Preface: In a nutshell, A eunuch is a male who has been castrated so he would not able to contaminate royal bloodline, and thus allowed to serve the royal family in close quaters. With royals no longer on the stage of history, the eunuch had found a new form to exist in a modern society and surprisingly, wielding great political power just like in the past when they were no more than "bedchamber attendants" of their masters.
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You may have heard of eunuchs, they were castrated human male. From remote antiquity, eunuchs were employed in the Middle East and in China in two main functions: as guards and servants in harems or other women’s quarters, and as chamberlains to kings. Seemingly the Arabs and Chinese were not the only ancient counties that employed eunuchs: Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Ancient Nigeria... they all have done this.

Eunuchs were considered the most suitable guards for the many wives or concubines a ruler might have in his palace, and the eunuchs’ confidential position in the harems of princes frequently enabled them to exercise an important influence over their royal masters and even to raise themselves to stations of great trust and power.

Only problem is, Every time they rose to power, the dynasty will fall apart. The history had taught us:

The Ming Dynasty (China) witnessed significant eunuch interference, particularly in its later years. They manipulated the emperor, engaged in corrupt practices, and suppressed scholars and officials who opposed them. This concentration of power in the hands of incompetent and self-serving eunuchs led to political instability, weakening the central government. The resulting administrative inefficiencies, coupled with peasant uprisings and Manchu invasions, culminated in the collapse of the Empire.

In the late Roman Empire, eunuchs wielded significant influence particularly in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. Chrysaphius and Eutropius held pivotal roles and made major political decisions, leading to various power struggles and the marginalization of competent officials. As a result, corruption weakened the administrative and military structures, contributed to the eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.

Eunuch dominated the Ottoman Empire during its final years. Chief Black Eunuch possessed considerable sway over the Sultan and palace affairs, engaged in corrupt practices, enriching themselves and manipulating succession politics. This usurpation of power led to various uprisings, loss of territories, and inability to modernize effectively, and eventually, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I.

And the examples just go on and on.

Sexually diverse communities are now dominating the western civilizations.

Eureka Q / Australia

Now, I know what are you thinking. Yeah, I know.

If you are following the news all the time around the world,  we are just repeating the histories. The sexual diversity movements, originally for "inclusion", eventually stepped into the political arena and as always in history, they are in power now, and they are the "politically correct". And then the familiar words again, "interference", "manipulating", "suppression", "weakening", "marginalization", "usurpation"... And we all know where this lead us too.

However, there are still some countries in this world that learned from history and, passed some anti-LGBTQ laws. One country, a significant nuclear power, had even declared LGBT "Extremist" group. Some say that's a gesture of bigotry, but I say those country had taken history seriously, and picked a path of higher chance of survival for their nation.

Sadly, the "western world", are still on the wrong side of history.

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